• Set of 24, three inch tall, tiny trumps
  • Animation showing how easy it is to peel off the back of a tiny trump and stick it to a wall
  • tiny trump with the slogan "Big Bullies Are Small People" shown in the palm of someone's hand
  • tiny trump with the slogan "Bigot" stuck to a protester's jacket
  • Three tiny trumps with the slogan "[Thumbs down], Sexist, and Fake News] stuck to an advertisement showing three women with open mouths screaming
  • tiny trump with the slogan "Putin's Little Bitch" stuck to a NYC subway sign indicating "President Street"
  • tiny trump with the slogan "Sexist" stuck to a urinal
  • tiny trump with the slogan "Danger US" stuck to a ruler, indicating it is 3 inches tall
  • The back of a tiny trump showing a peel off label with the following text: "tiny trump is guaranteed to minimize trump in your life! Put him somewhere, take a pic, and tag #tinytrump on social media. Then peel this off and stick him somewhere to minimize trump in other people's lives. It really works! Get more at maketrumptiny.com"
  • Variant showing a set of 12 tiny trumps, all stamped LOSER
  • A set of 12 blank tiny trumps, for people to write their own slogans
  • Variant showing a set of 12 tiny trumps
  • Variant showing a set of 36 three inch tall tiny trumps
  • Variant showing a set of 60 tiny trumps
  • Variant showing a set of 120 tiny trumps
  • Variant showing a set of either 240 or 480 tiny trumps in a dog bowl

    tiny trump

    Regular price $24.00

    Please note this project is not currently active–see artist's statement, 2024 Is Not 2016 for more info.

    Pocket-sized cardboard protest stickers • peel-n-stick • three inches tall • great for social media • made in 🇺🇸 • enjoy & resist!