• A sticker sheet with 10 two inch tall tiny trumps with the following slogans: Big Bullies Are Small People, thumbs down symbol, Low Life, 72% Lies, I heart Kids in Cages, Lethally Stupid, The Swamp, Fragile Ego, Bigot, Fearful of the Press
  • A sticker sheet with 10, two inch tall tiny trumps with the following slogans: Giant Narcissist, Enemy of the People, All $ no Heart, Cold as I.C.E, Racist, Fake News, Draft Dodger, Cry Baby, Epic Failure, Impeached
  • A sticker sheet with 10, two inch tall tiny trumps with the following slogans: Pussy Grabber, Putin's Little Bitch, Doesn't Keep Us Safe, FUX NEWS, Anti Science, Danger US, Divider-n-Chief, I Don't Take Responsibility At All, Family Separator, Cheated on Wife, Taxes, Country
  • A sticker sheet with 10, two inch tall tiny trumps with the following slogans: Property of Russia, American Virus, CON & TROLL, DICKtator, Sexist, Low Ratings, SAD, Lies Lies Lies, Unfit, Black hole symbol
  • A two inch tall tiny trump sticker with the slogan Low Ratings stuck on a pole
  • A two inch tall tiny trump sticker with the slogan Enemy of the People stuck on a green column
  • A two inch tall tiny trump sticker with the slogan Pussy Grabber stuck on a red post
  • All four tiny trump sticker sheets shown together totaling 40, two inch tall vinyl stickers

    Sticker Sheet

    Regular price $5.00
    Two inches tall • regular vinyl stickers • 10 stickers per sheet